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The step by step integration of complex SAP systems results in risk minimization and optimization of costs and processes. Our profound experience in "Best practice" aspects in combination with reliable and multiply proven tools enable us to do SAP system transformation with nearly no limit in complexity. This predestines JDC as your partner during the whole integration process.

All starts with an exact analysis of the status quo. Based on the results both the existing organisation structure and processes will be harmonized. All steps of the conceptual design of the system transformation will be created in cooperation with our customers hence possible synergies will easily be found during implementation of new business processes.

Harmonization makes sense in all aspects. In order to maximize e.g. MM synergies it is important to harmonize customer vendor and material data. If comparability of financial reporting is to be assured it is necessary to have a common base of accounting e.g. one single chart of accounts.

If a full consolidation of two or more SAP systems is not required or not achievable in a given time frame it is possible to establish cross system processes by use of integration scenarios like ALE, XI (Exchange Infrastructure) or Netweaver technologies.

There are two general approaches: the "Greenfield Approach" which consists in full redefinition of existing business processes and the "Best-of-Breed Approach" which is used if there is no SAP implementation yet or insufficient use of an existing implementation. Make use of our profound know-how in shape of highly specialized tools to analyze your business processes efficiently in order to get to a reliable and consistent definition of new processes.

There is often a complex intrinsic coherence between characteristics of an SAP system landscape and the resulting direct and indirect costs (total cost of ownership, TCO). We will make this coherence transparent and help you to find a strategy to minimize TCO .

There are three different variants of a consolidation of SAP systems:

the "neighbourhood" I.e two ore more parallel production systems with a possible common environment

the "flat share" variant (multiple clients)

the "matrimony" (i.e. integration into an existing client)

That may sound simple – we simply do it!

Migrating an existing SAP system into a template requires adapting all processes of the source system to those of the template. For JDC this is every-day business: we have developed tools and methods for both an optimal customizing adjustment and efficient breakup of process disparities.

The principal goal of a template roll-out is having harmonized business processes with minimum individual variance. Our well-approved monitoring tools can be used to analyze templates periodically. They help to detect and to minimize process deviation hence to keep business processes standardized.

This is one of our basic disciplines where we have profound experience. Profit from our expertise for all SAP components modules and functionalities.